ASYA BELORUSKY – Мираж Музыка нас связала

Anastasya Kikkas, a lawyer of the municipality of Valga in the role of municipal secretary, is a versatile person. In addition to knowing the law, he is also involved in photography and music, and is also known as the defender of the maternity ward in Valga. Now he has completed a music video in which he performs a cover of the song «Музыка нас связала» or «Music has bound us».

The original song dates back to 1989 and is performed by the band Miraž (Мираж), which started in Russia during the Soviet era.

The structure and style of the video is not random. “We wanted to emphasize the authentic environment. At times, humorous shots are also interwoven into it. All the clothes and accessories are from that era. It was quite difficult to find these things, but we managed,»