Estonian Music Video Festival

On March 18, 2017, the first Estonian music video festival will take place at the Valga railway station, where the best music video in Estonia will be determined by the jury and public vote. Domestic music videos not older than five years are expected for the festival.

At the festival, videos will be shown in two halls with different atmospheres – the polite main hall and the pleasantly free and homely side hall. After the official part of the festival ends, both halls turn into party rooms, where the event continues with DJs.

Rain Aunapu, the main organizer of the Estonian Music Video Festival: “We are very happy that the festival will take place in Valga, in the premises of one of the most beautiful station buildings in Estonia. Estonians’ interest in culture and domestic music extends all the way to the border of Latvia, so it is an ideal place to come together. At the same time it is a good opportunity to visit new beautiful places in our country, which will certainly enrich people.”